(and sometimes the beast!)




Originally posted by Pam in June last year, I have now discovered that this is Siratro and although it is apparently cultivated in WA for stock, being a legume, the Sunshine Coast Council considers it a weed and encourages resident to throw it in the bin.
Looking now at these two pics of the same flower, it's hard to believe that they were both taken within minutes of each other! The colours are so very different aren't they? The first is the closest to it's true hue! :)
This is the flower of another noxious (I'm sure) weed/plant/vine that is growing rampant through our yard. Another very difficult one to get rid of.
I've no idea what it is sorry, but these flowers are to me stunning and unusual in their colour and in their "design"(?) :))
They look a little I suppose like a sweet pea flower.