(and sometimes the beast!)




 Isn't this the coolest cat you've seen in a while?  This is Baru, one of the Bangal tiger cubs at Dreamworld, read all about them here.  
I was lucky enough to win a close up experience for four with them, courtesy of radio station 97.3fm so took Pam and my two girls.  We were allowed to pat them on the back (not on the head) but were not allowed to nurse them or pick them up.  We wanted to take them home!   
And this is Ravi on his way for a nap...
Me very cute, yes? 
Pam getting close with, um, one of them.  I know they have slightly different markings on their faces but not obvious to me in this photo whether this is Baru or Ravi. I think it's Baru.
Ravi was the naughty one, because he was tired the keeper said, so good while he was napping of course. Baru is the fatter one, even his tail felt fat. No idea which is which in this photo either.  
You can donate to help tigers in the wild.