(and sometimes the beast!)




Really, there is no need to point them out. They manage to grab your attention just by the sheer brightness of their "flowers".  Although, I've posted about poinsettia before, this year I've been besotted all over again.  First to stop me in my tracks was the brilliant yellow example before (top left). Then the other week, I found a pretty pink one in a street nearby (middle right). Although pink is fairly common, around here they're usually leggy shrubs with larger "flowers". I continue to love the dark red of the shrub top right which I pass on my Sunday walks. This shrub never fails to disappoint but now it has 2 others in the same bed inviting admiration.  Both of these are multi coloured with the same fat "petals" as the red, rather than the very thin bracts you see so often, as below.
Whatever the colour of poinsettia, they certainly put on a show in their winter coats.


  1. They're just gorgeous Sandy! Such a pretty collage....well done. Luving the variegated ones. ♥

  2. Thanks Pam. The variegated ones are beautiful, I agree but was also quite taken with the yellow. :)
