(and sometimes the beast!)




I love the kookaburras which visit the Jacaranda tree out the back and finally got a photo of them laughing it up... usually they've finished by the time I get out there and I'm left not getting the joke.  So when I heard a bit of chuckle yesterday morning I was at the window in record time and got to see this...
...poor little snake (because this particular kooka was fairly small) desperately trying to escape that vice-like beak.  It eventually expired but while I wasn't looking bird and reptile disappeared. OK, I wasn't really that sorry for the snake as I couldn't help wondering where he got it.
As an added bonus, another chuckle (obviously, you can't laugh it up too much with your beak full) and a different bird had a ?skink?  Not sure, could be a gecko but we do have a lot of skinks around here. I did actually feel for it though.
 This guy dropped in the other day for after noon tea, common green tree snake, looked a bit taken aback to find me looking at him.
It finally disappeared back into the tree and I've not seen it again.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - great photos Sandy!
    It's funny but, like you, I didn't mind the snake being taken (circle of life etc ;D)), however, on double-checking seeing the skink - well.. I've a soft spot for them as they hang around our place such a lot (I encourage them). Still, that's how it goes.
    Fabulous seeing them both having a laugh - yes, it's as though they know you're keen to get a photo of that so they stop!! Well done! :D) xx
