(and sometimes the beast!)




I was full of good intentions regarding blogging last year but looking back I'm startled to see it's been six months or so since posting. I've been more into instagram of late so that's my excuse. This year I'll try to post more here...
  After the exteme heat and lack of rain during our summer here on the Sunshine Coast, we are now in the midst of ongoing rain. Not complaining. But these colourful rainbow lorikeets do cheer one up on a gloomy day, with a cheeky look as he attacked the callistemon that grown in the median strip.
For comparison is a scaly breasted lorikeet. We don't see as many of them here so it's lovely when we do.


  1. Hi Sandy, aren't those Rainbow Lorikeets so colourful! We get them down here at certain times of the year... I think they're after fruit as it ripens and then they've gone.
    Have never seen a Scaly Breasted one, so very interesting to do so with your photo.
    So much rain now!!
    Cheers xx

    1. I'd never seen the scaly breasted before I went to NSW a few years ago and I'm told they aren't common here on the range. The very colourful (and noisy) rainbows, of course, are a fixture in Queensland. Thanks for visiting. Two fine days in a row here by the looks of it today. Take care.
