(and sometimes the beast!)




On any gloomy morning I find a walk with Nature usually cheers me up. These colourful birds and insects managed to do just that.
   A Lesser Wanderer butterfly shows off.
Never realised that blue triangle butterflies had red spots. 
 The rainbow bee eaters are so colourful, especially when they wheel around in the sun, but even on overcast days they show their colours.
Male red-backed fairy wrens wear their stylish suits well. 
Chestnut breasted mannikin thought I couldn't see it. 
 This purple water hen was sure I couldn't see it!
Pale headed rosellas are often much paler than this, so their brightness was a surprise. 
Red dragonfly. Red was a very popular colour on these walks. 
Two silvereyes getting to know each other better... 
This tawny grassbird was alerting everyone to my presence. 
Sparkling dew drops made this spider more attractive to the lens!
Love the way this Macleays Swallowtail matches the foliage perfectly!

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